Monday, January 11, 2010

Literary Elements: TAKS PT 3

1. Satire- 1. a literary work in which vices, follies, etc. are held up to ridicule and contempt 2. the use of ridicule, sarcasm, etc. to attack vices, follies, etc.

2. Irony-1. expression in which the intended meaning of the words is the direct opposite of their usual sense 2. an event or result that is the opposite of what is expected

3. Analogy- 1. the inference that certain resemblance imply further similarity 2. the inference that certain resemblances imply further similarity

4. Foreshadowing-to indicate or suggest beforehand; prefigure

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Figurative-not in its literal sense;metaphorical

Figure of Speech-an expression, as a metaphor or simile, using words in a non-literal sense or unusual way

Imagery-metals images or figurative language

Trope-figurative language or a word used in a figurative sense

All they have in common was talking about languages or words